Or maybe it was the all day shopping, very theraputic, trip with my Aunt and Cousin on Wednesday. It was nice to rebond and talk again. With our lives so hectic and being away at school I miss out on that
But the mall. Yes. The mall was interesting. SOOOOOOO many people so little time. But my favorite was definally the woman who looked like her hat could fly away. By itself. She was walking through the food court when we were having lunch and she was flying by so fast that if my cousin had not spotted her from a distance it would have been something I missed. She was in head to toe patchwork. Bright and colorful patch work all over her floor length coat and her very large brimmed hat. But the hat was the best thing she was wearing. It was every color and pattern patchwork even available I believe and it was covered in insanley large feathers. They stuck out longer than ostrich feathers. I don't know how she could even see to walk.
And even though I didn't go crazy and buy a ton of things, I really did feel like I got something better. I bought books. I finally brought myself to do it. I always want to but then I think that I can just get them at the library. Most of the time I can't becuase the library system sucks where I go to school. So I bought myself five good reads and I feel like a million dollars could not have satisfied me on my shopping trip more than this.....well maybe. But it would be close.
I have been saving all of the pictures that inspire me to design clothes. There are so many things that I see everyday that I really want to remember for when I start designing clothes. The thing is that I don't know when that is....so I decided to cut out the things that inspire me and put them in a book so that I will have them to look at when I finally do start designing.
This Dolce and Gabbana piece was something that really caught my eye. I like it because I'm hugh on staying warm and looking cute.
I really think thats a bad picture of it. But you get the idea. Its really warm and really fitted. I feel like you can be warm and cute even though you are going to have to look a little bulky. I hear a lot of people complain that they lose their middle in warm winter coats.
It's ok! It's winter and everyone is wearing the same shapeless coats. But I find that coats with belts are cute. A little older looking but thats classic and I find that they still give you a waist. There is one coat that I found that I'm in love with. I'll have to post it next time when I get a chance. Have a great day! Happy beginning of the holidays.