So the fashion show went great! I am very excited to post some pictures of the pieces we made as soon as they come back. Right now I want to post about this dress --> which has become my inspiration for my spring '09 line. I feel that I really is everything I want in a line. The floof and shortness of spring. The colors that pop and the playfulness of the line that I really want to be felt.
The dress is also the two layer look that i am going for. I love layers in dresses that a bouncy because it's like having more than one piece working at a time. The depth of the dress really gets me because it look full and playful in the way the allows me to feel like has several meanings. The dress is also strapless which I like. I want to incorporate more strapless things into my spring line because its fun and I love showing off people's shoulders. It's the part of the body that I feel most people either don't like or don't show off.
So here I am beginning my next three adventures. I want to make a line for a February fashion show on a warm cozy level. Mostly indoor stuff. Jackets are fun to make but I'm not feeling it right now. Then a spring get away line to be my main line for the spring. Finally I'm going to attempt a 3 to 5 piece couture line that is all concept and art based rather than functional and wearable. I want to show my most crazy ideas that stir in my brain. It's going to be a mix of Victorian and fairy tale like clothing. Anyways, off to start doodling and collecting samples. It's like the work never ends and I love that.
<3 your RUM & COUTURE designer